Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Blog Dare

I confess:  I have no idea what I want my blog to be.  Is it about what it's like to live in a small town?  Is it about raising a big family?  Being Catholic?  Being pro-life?  Homeschooling?  I figure that I'm all of those things and if I try to focus on only one aspect, I'll be shutting out parts that are vitally important to me.

Also, I ask:  Who is my audience?  Me?  My family and friends?  My fellow parishioners, villagers, prolifers or the World Wide Unmet?  Sure!

I'm not like those awesome blogs with a theme and a targeted audience and revenue.  I'm just me writing to myself, really, about stuff that I think about.  Basically my blog can be summed up by one of my favorite sayings:

I saw something called a Blog Dare at Bloggy  It is a different writing prompt for every day of this year.  Today's prompt is "The least touristy place I like to go to 'get away'."  Oh, this is going to sound pretty lame.

I like to take a magazine, go to a fast food joint and eat and read in my car... all by myself.  It's half an hour of blissful silence.  I get to read entire articles from start to finish without any distractions.  No one needs me to do anything while I'm trying to eat my dinner.  On the drive there and back, I may even listen to the radio... loudly.  I don't listen to the radio when the children are with me because it's pretty much a cesspool.  But when they're not with me I like to dip my toe into the pool and sing along with Bon Jovi.  Of course, when I come into the house humming "Living on a Prayer" Pete snarks "Gore supporter" and the bloom falls off the rose.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha... I love this! Please do write about whatever you fancy, you are a delightful writer and you should not limit yourself to a theme. In fact maybe someday you'll have a nice thought provoking humorous novel to publish. I'll be first in line to have mine signed. -Loretta
