Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rosy Baby

On Sunday Pete and I had to rush baby Walter to the hospital because he had spiked a fever of over 101'.  Since he has bilateral grade 5 vesicoureteral reflux (kidney disease) any fever could be a sign of a kidney infection.  Poor little pup had to be catheterized to check his urine, which happily turned out to be fine.

The doctors said "It's just a virus.".  That phrase used to annoy to bajeebuz out of me but this time I was glad to hear it.  I had packed an overnight bag because I was sure he'd be admitted.  Instead we got to come home.  Woohoo!

When I told my dear friend about Walter's symptoms she said, "Roseola".  Seriously, that's exactly what she said... over the phone.  I have never, nor will I ever doubt this friend's diagnostic abilities.  Here we are four days later, the fever breaks and what's that on baby's face??  A rash!  Yep, it's Roseola.

That baby in the illustration kind of looks like Walter, except that my little guy is usually smiling.  I looked up Roseola online and the description says, "See N, Walter".  Actually it says that it usually occurs between 9-12 months (Walter's 10 mos.), that a high fever comes on suddenly (he was fine at church, then at the hospital two hours later), that the eyes may be red (I kept telling my parents that his eyes didn't look right.) and that the baby might have swollen nymph lodes.  Oh my goodness, I had a swollen gland in my neck last week that was killah painful.

Dear friend, they ought to grant you an honorary medical degree!  Your Dr. Mom credentials are Ivy League caliber.  I'm sure I'll be calling you again in the near future.

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